Hillary Criminal Psychopath To NWO Presidential Nominee

Prepare for the main event. Hillary Clinton has by most accounts clinched the Democratic Presidential Nomination. Dragging her mountainous pile of scandals into the last round to possibly make her the next President of The United States. Hillary’s rise to the White House is akin to Richard Nixon in reverse.This is the same woman who recently gave a speech on Income Inequality wearing a $12,000 Armani Jacket. The same woman who, according to a Secret Service account, punched Bill Clinton so hard, she gave him a black eye. Granted... Bill probably deserved it, but that is only one clear example of the temperament that could quite possibly have access to 1,750 active nuclear warheads.

And the Secret Service desperately wants Americans to know, that the real Hillary Clinton is a monster.

According to Page Six Secret Service agent Gary Byrne writes in his new tell all book that Hillary repeatedly screamed obscenities at her husband, Secret Service personnel and White House staffers — all of whom lived in terror of her next tirade.

Secret Service agents had discussions about the possibility that they would have to protect Bill from his wife’s physical attacks, Byrne writes, and the couple had one “violent encounter” the morning of a key presidential address to the nation.

Will Hillary spend the first 100 days of her Presidency pardoning herself and permanently silencing her husband’s accusers? Simultaneously, Sicking the IRS and the FBI on their enemies. Here are just a few of the unanswered scandals that will surface yet again when Hillary is President courtesy of World Net Daily.

Vince Foster’s 1993 death. Benghazi. Whitewater. Emailgate. Chinagate. Travel gate. Pardon gate. The Clinton Body Count. Where 91% of The Clinton Foundation’s money really went. Hillary’s Assistant Muslim Brotherhood tied Huma Abedin's involvement with the Saudis to establish a Muslim America. And we would be here all day if I kept going.

But it appears stealing the Democratic Presidential Nomination is child’s play to the career criminal known as Hillary Clinton. The Clinton’s attempted to loot the White House when Bill's term ended as El Presidente. The Clinton’s tried to take $190,000 from the Presidential mansion and "According to the General Accounting Office, the cost of the White House vandalism reached about $14,000 and included $4,850 to replace computer keyboards with damaged or missing “W” keys. The agency said some of the destruction was intentional, including glue smeared on desks, broken furniture, offices full of trash and graffiti in a men’s restroom stall that disparaged Bush. There were also missing doorknobs, medallions and office signs."

Is there any question that Hillary will sign away any remaining sovereignty the United States has left to her globalist overlords? Acting as the clean up crew for Obama's two term facade of a Presidency. Carrying on the Bush Presidency’s unyielding New World Order disintegration of the U.S. Constitution.


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